The musings of one Andrew Langer - defender of liberty, passionate protector of individual rights, foodie. (Note: Said Musings of Andrew Langer are his own, and the views represented herein are likewise his views, and not the views of any other people, entities, foodstuffs, etc [unless otherwise specifically and explicitly noted].)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Roasting and Toasting a Good Friend and a True American

Sometimes life just tosses you a golden apple of an opportunity - you know, something you just can't resist. For three years I worked for a guy named Fred Smith, the founder and President of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. This guy:

Fred's brilliant. There's no denying it - he's a super, super smart guy. But like a lot of really smart guys, he's got all sorts of quirks, the kind tailor-made for story telling.

So Fred turned 65, and his wife, Fran, decided to throw him a roast. And I got to be the roastmaster. I love roasts. I don't know why - I think it's my heritage. My culture finds it funny to poke fun at the foibles of others (I'm reading "Born to Kvetch" right now.) - shadenfreude at all that. You know the saying, "I fall off a cliff, tragedy. You fall off the cliff, comedy.

Yes, I've watched all the Comedy Central roasts, both the "Friars" versions, and the generic ones they have now. I'm hoping that their uncensored versions are going to come out on DVD. In fact, it's because of the Roast of Hugh Hefner that the film "The Aristocrats" was made (Gilbert Gottfried "outed" the joke at Hef's roast when one of his own jokes bombed horribly.)

It takes a certain sense of humor to both do, and get, a roast. They're not testimonials. They're not supposed to be touchy feely. Witness the horrible MTV roast of Carson Daly (to quote Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog, "so friggin' boring!). The only people who understood the concept were Jimmy Kimmel, his best friend, Adam Carolla, and his girlfriend, Sarah Silverman (all accomplished roasters). Everyone else gave these milquetoasty testimonials.

Anyhow, Fred's a ripe target to be roasted. He's a true American, to be sure, but someone you just can't help but having fun with. So, in the spirit of the roast, I offer my comments:


We’re glad you’re here Fred, and mostly on time, too. We had a pool going to see if you were going to be late to your own roast.

What can be said about Fred Smith that hasn't been angrily muttered under the breath of a thousand people trying to conversation with him?

Fred Smith is to public policy what Anna Nicole Smith is to public policy. Only Anna Nicole was able to bilk a 90-year-old out of his fortune.

Fred stated his career at the EPA, and his legacy can be seen each and every day: a focused mission, a limited reach, clear and easy-to-understand regulations

CEI celebrated it’s 20th anniversary last year. They gave away cans of soup. I don’t have a joke there.

CEI - 20 years on the long road to the middle.
CEI - a think tank so unrespected Jack Abramoff didn't funnel vast sums of money to it.

Washington’s feistiest think tank – not most respected, not most scholarly. In essence, CEI’s the “pippi longstocking” of Washington think tanks.

Then again, I've never had to travel with Fred, but I hear it's like traveling with a hyperactive nine year old.

Fred Smith likes to say that sometimes he gets mistaken for the CEO of Fed Ex. Don’t worry, Fred. Nobody would ever mistake you for the chief executive of a hugely successful company.

Fred’s sometimes been referred to as the “merry elf of libertarianism”. I don't want to say that Fred's short. But you paint him blue, and he's going to bear a striking resemblance to Papa Smurf.

Fred’s got talent – and I don’t mean the kind of talent you need to piss off donors on all five continents, I mean real talent. Fred’s got the keen sense of a bloodhound – if you’ve got candy, and you’re within fifty feet, Fred will find it. Yet he’s the only man I know who can lose his speech between his seat and the podium.

As you can imagine, Fred’s a fantastic proponent of the promise of technology, the economic forces that drive its advances, and a staunch guardian against those who would stop progress in the name of precaution. This, from a man who somehow managed to get his cell phone to call his brother every time he got a voicemail.

You all know that one of Fred’s big obsessions is effective communications. And it shows with every phone conversation or voicemail that Fred’s starts in the middle, in garbled late night e-mails, and in incomprehensible all-staff pages over CEI’s intercom.

And for a man so deeply rooted in the cutting edge and with a mind to the future, Fred’s got zero interest in popular culture. What do “the Olson Twins”; Kevin Federline, and “The Surreal Life” have in common? Fred’s never heard of any of them.

Fred’s a man who think’s “Black Eyed Peas” are a marvelous side dish, 50 Cent is something that could once buy you an ice cream sandwich, and prefers his Eminem with peanuts.

Anyone who’s ever shared a meal with Fred can attest to the fact that it’s an adventure. What we can’t understand, Fred, is how you’ve had this struggle with weight gain when most of your food lands on your clothes?

In the end, Fred, I want to thank you for being a good sport tonight while we have fun at your expense, and I want to leave you all with this. With all sincerity, I want to talk about Fred’s courage. It takes courage to stand by your principles, in spite of the fact that you know you’re going to piss a lot of people off.

It takes courage to run a think tank in DC, knowing that there are people in positions of influence who refuse to take your call. But what sets Fred apart is that in spite of the animosity that might be felt towards him, he isn’t bothered by it. No, Fred revels in it.

Thank you for being a friend, a teacher, and a conscience in a city that needs consciences.


Thanks to Fran Smith for allowing me the privilege of being Fred's roastmaster. Oh, and special kudos go out to Sam Kazman, someone who really understands the roast concept and absolutely killed last night.

- Andrew Langer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

News :: Crime and Police
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?Author
Anonymous Poster
Date Created
29 Dec 2005
More details...
Date Edited
29 Dec 2005 08:36:49 PM
This work is in the public domain
The fact that Bellador Inc. has been allowed to pump and dump SRI International shares and many UNAUDITED AND UNREGISTERED U.S. penny stock shares,both onshore,and offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering regions,is proof certain CIA , Mantas Inc. and SRI International employees and mangement are aiding and abetting the terrorists they warn us about.
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

For those who have been following: I have posted two articles-stories-complaints on the indymedias recently about my experiences with the supposed anti-money laundering corporation, or 'AML' ,Mantas Inc.,recently,whose links you will find at the bottom of this post.They, like their founders SRA International, are conveniently located in the Beltway to be near their clients at Big Brother Inc., no doubt. Immediately below is a promotion from the SRA International website itself bragging about 'picking' the probably criminal and certainly corrupt brain of an NSA 'bigwig'. SRA International and Mantas Inc.brag about detecting the 'bad guys' through use of 'behavior' software.

And yet who is watching their behaviors ? Rumor is that Barry Landrew, CEO of SRA International that has obtained monopolistic contracts with various government agencies,(including our fraud watchers at the GAO!!),probably due to the fact of the CIA's In-Q-Tel investments in SRA International,is himself addicted to gambling like that Republican pillar of 'virtues', Bill Bennett.(Do google search ,'sra international Barry Landew gambling')

What I suggest and hope is that as many people as possible contact their congress people and demand an investigation not only of NSA's spying on the public but of their software people SRA International and also into their 'spinoff' ,Mantas Inc,.who,as I have explained previously in various indymedia articles,allowed the illegal 'pump and dump' .of Texas' fraudulent biotech company, Endovasc, to be orchestrated and covered up through a Charles Schwab account.(see link Charles Schwab Share-Money laundering below.)

Also demand that that the SEC or Securities Exchange Commission investigate SRA International's and Mantas Inc.'s possible connection to or involvement with Bellador Group, , of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai, and why it recommended both Endovasc and SRA International stock shares to its suspect clients.

The fact that Bellador Inc. has been allowed to pump and dump SRI International shares and many UNAUDITED AND UNREGISTERED U.S. penny stock shares,both onshore,and offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering regions,is proof certain CIA , Mantas Inc. and SRI International employees and mangement are aiding and abetting the terrorists they warn us about.

The fact that shares of SRA International are dumped even more easily on the international market because Bellador and SRA Inernational management and CIA can claim they have guaranteed income from our on government is scandalous beyond all belief.SRA International shares may have been used for money laundering in terrorist suspect money laundering centers as well.So we can only conclude that the GAO who has given tens of millions of dollars to these people not only has rewarded them for spying on us but has inadvertently been used as a prop in the promotion of shares that Mr.Landrew,the CIA's In-Q-Tel and Bellador Group Inc. of Kuala lumper have used to con others to buy shares as they dump and pocket the cash !!!

The rumor that SRA International's Barry Landrew
may be addicted to gambling and have accumulated debts to pressure him to manipulate and dump his own shares for cash cannot be dismissed lightly.He could even be tempted to allow SRA International's spying apparatus to be used by the criminal 'private' sector if this is true.

Note that while even Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur
securities commissions have warned their citizens about Bellador Group's fraudulent boiler room activities our Securities Exchange Commission continues to do nothing.In fact the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission does much worse than nothing,they provide the unaudited penny stock shares that are the backbone of Bellador Group's illegal boiler room activities that defraud American and other stock investrors and are laundering money for someone(s).Maybe some SEC employees should resign or be investigated as well.(Do a google search of 'bellador group'.)

SRA picks brain of ex-NSA bigwig
Jeff Clabaugh
Staff Reporter
Fairfax-based SRA International, an IT contractor whose customers include national security agencies, has a former National Security Administration bigwig on board to help advise it.

Recent Company News
» SRA International
Latest News
» Capital One gives CEO stock options instead of salary
» Panacos execs get year-end rewards
» Ex-Rouse sites sold for $181M
» Md.'s Peak Technologies acquired by Calif. firm
» Avalon exec to resign, deal with Sanofi ends
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Michael Jacobs, a 38-year veteran of the NSA who most recently served as its director of information assurance, will join SRA International as senior adviser for cyber and national security.

Among his assignments will be working with intelligence and law enforcement organizations to sell solutions for improving secure information sharing. SRA International says Jacobs' local government experience will also be handy in dealing with local and state government clients.

Jacobs also served as mayor of College Park from 1997 to 2001.

SRA International went public this spring, raising $90 million in its initial public offering. Its stock (NYSE: SRX) has gained more than 46 percent since its May IPO, trading at around $26.50 per share.

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of international bankers, brokers,market makers...

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA

NSA Caught With The Cookies

NSA's Lamest Spy Tool: Cookies,69943-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_4


January 12, 2006 4:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I look internationally when I see the below referenced situation locally!! !!!!!!

OVERCOME THIS: Revelations 2:26 King James Version - Bible vs. Rev. 2:10 Just happens to be the corresponding birthdates of myself (226Ra vs 210set) Ryan C. Jennings vs. Jonathan T. Jennings Real Estate Fraud and Identity theft of biblical proportions. All else falls into the lines of being a saint or an attribute to obstructing justice. George W. Bush utilizted presidential authority for allowing this international real estate fraud to occur. However, is he to blame, (I say NO) each person had a earthly given chance to choice right verses wrong. Just because the door is opened to evil doesn't determine whom walks through that door. The time is now for those whom are responsible for global fraud to be held accountable and prosecuted for there crimes. Some say this is a revolution. I say this is a simple determination of judging right and wrong!

The below 1,2,3, or 246 requests for justice for assistance in nailing down details regarding the massive obstruction of justice for the above referenced case:

ABN AMRO Files Civil Suit in Kansas City

Three Defendants Previously Plead Guilty in Flipping Scheme

ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc. filed a civil lawsuit in Kansas City, Missouri federal court against:

Pearl Mortgage Group Inc., Kansas City, Missouri;
Midtown Real Estate Holdings LLC, Kansas City, Missouri;
Jonathan Jennings Realty LLC, Kansas City, Missouri;
Jonathan Jennings, Lee�s Summit, Missouri;
Brighter Homes East Inc., Kansas City, Missouri;
Nathan Brinkle, Blue Springs, Missouri;
Adam Kerr, Lee�s Summit, Missouri;
Lee Ullman, Leawood, Missouri;
Equitable Title LLC, Overland Park, Missouri;
Platinum Mortgage Group II Inc., Kansas City, Missouri;
David L. Peterson, Overland Park, Missouri;
Daniel R. Peterson, Leawood, Missouri;
Peterson Appraisal, Leawood, Missouri;
Mary Jennings, Kingman, Arizona;
DDL Investment LLC, Overland Park, Missouri;
Phillip Thomas, Lee�s Summit, Missouri;
Thomas Appraisal Services Inc., Kansas City, Missouri.

3 Comments on Kansas City Voices

Supreme Order Request for a Simple Justice Task!

(This is at least the 26th Request for Assitance in being victimized in a federal real estate scandle of an extreme level.)

Please forward to the following: Linda Marshal Prosecuting Attorney for Kansas City Missouri's Federal Money LaundeRinG case. Jonathan T. (or P.) Jennings, Nathan Brinkle, and a lengthy list of defendants and Federal RaTs! Just Below are Referenced Links: In regards to the case I mentioned above. I should of been called in as a witness/victim. My name has been slaughtered with there scam. The money goes straight up through the fedral ladder of subversions, therefore I haven't seen any restitution! I pray for judgement that we will be able to weed out the bad apples in every organization! (OK, Jonathan Taylor Jennings looses his license, getting started on restitution, but lets get down to the nitty-gritty! I have been a witness to tons of victimization that missouri, or the feds haven't/won't dig-up!)

Tight Brief: I have been victimized by ID Theft! Signature Fraud! and Forgery! Assualt! Kidnapping! ETC. I have now. Bruatally restrained and beatin, multiple times with a golf club, while hoodlums requested they had a mortgage broker and a notary republic coming over shortly for me to sign my house over to. My blood covered the white carpet. And I was tortured with Rare Eagle Whiskey getting poured over my gushing wounds. I barely made it out the back door, as my good friend Chris Clark showed up at the front door request to see me. He saved my life!! !!!!!!

Current Situational Analysis: I have been now forced/bully'd out of two residental homes! Never Evicted but both cases had roll0 dumpsters placed infront of my house stealing all of my property within the location. Each time of these occcurences I was illegally incarcerated for whatever conspired Reason!
A detailed Partial Property List of assets and equipment that were stolen on these occassions was submitted to the Authorities ( Independence Missouri Police Department, Kansas City PD, Jackson County Sherrifs Department, and Blue Springs Detective!) Forget about KCMO PD for assistance, BLues springs is clueless, and Indep PD hasn't cooperated with my civil rights and liberties assisting in anyway retrieving my property.

Focus/Specific: to this submittal 227 W. Southside BLVD Independence Missouri 64055.

Informal Deductive Evidence/Logic: I was sold the home by Ahna D Vaoifi
Office: Common Ground Realty
Address: Previous Address: During Allocated Crimes: 123 S Main St

City, State & Zip: Independence, MO 64050-3702
Common Ground Realty
Current Address Listed Online!
819 N Dakota Dr
Independence, MO 64056 Map

Ahna Is a broker that was involved in investing/conspiring(unknown) with Jonathan T. Jennings and Nathan Brinkle of Brighter Homes. Ahna purchased approximately 10 houses, of which they flipped to her. She lost lots of equity, however Jonathan and Nathan assumably paid her off! This is concatinated by the simple fact that she donated ove $300,000 to the City of Independence Missouri during that time period.

Chronological order of a partial known list of Fraud!

1. I was sold the 227 Residence without an appraisal value given to me as requested.

2. There was no safety/structure inspection done on the property. Therefore the location was never deemed a safe living dwelling for myself and my daughter.

3. Shortly after moving in, my insurance company dropped me from coverage for structural damage on the roof, the roof's frame, and the covering. Re-coverage was denied until I out of pocket rehabilitated the issues illustrated.

4. The mortgage loan was then fraudulantly sold from Argent to AMC, or vice-versa, and somehow ended up with Duetz Loan and Savings. This transfer was fraudulantly transfered utilizing, fraudulant signature of myself (Ryan Jennings) however, the ID theft and Alias was signed as Ryan Jennings Single Female.

4. I was never evicted. Or given the proper steps toward eviction.

While I was illegally incarcerated on multiple occassions between Blue Springs, Independence, and Kansas City Jurisdictions.

I had a mormon contractor illegally hire a roll-off dumpster infront of my home. She then directed a team to steal my property, computers, church documents passed down from my Grandfather Ralston F. Jennings 7-7-1911 Evangelist (Saints COC), furniture etc.

The mormon contractor was Lynn Tuala: - Listings by Category - Real Estate > Real Estate Agents

Contact: LYNN TUALA, ANNA VASQUEZ 831 S NOLAND INDEPENDENCE, MO 64050 Phone: 816-833-7653 Fax: 816-833-7676 We would like to help you with your real estate

6. Independence, MO Pd aided and abided to her proceeding. Never submitting anypaperwork, and she quoted she was hired by a different mortgage financer each time.

7. Keys to my location. My neighbor's Lamerle Zigginhorn (maiden name) has a grandaughter that married the son/employee of Gregg's Lock and Key. Gregg's Lock and Key was hired (by me) to replace the locks on all doors including garage/shed after I moved in. I had (before carpet fire damage) video coverage of her son-in-law utilizing the key to illegally enter the residence.

8. Denied Letter of incarceration by the City of Independence Missouri Police Department. This request was for the proof that I was incarcerated during my last opportune time to submit a motion to set-aside-default judgement regarding my foreclosure. Not only my foreclosure, but also a falsified ex-parte filed by Lisa Beach, whom was an ex-employee at my RJ's Restaurants LLC business DBA Suzi's located at 408 E. Bannister Road Kansas City Missouri, 64131. As submitted to Indep Mo PD and KCMO PD Lisa Beach and her father Mike Beach illegally enterred my home (while illegally incarcerated; see next bullet item) and later informed me they were saving my property from other bands of thieves. However, I never got the bulk of the merchandise back. Including but not limited to original church documentation, employment W2's that were all error/partial not complete for mailing 2005,2006 employees.

9. KCMO PD illegally incarcerated me while I was on my way out of town to texas delivering construction equipment that I had previously sold online. While incarcerated KCMO PD and jackson county had me listed as multiple SSN's, multiple middle initials and spellings of my name (aliases).

10. Shortly after being placed into a KCMO paddy-wagon I was their passanger of a totaling-the-van, death defying accident. Not sure of the details. But I believe it rolled over at least 3 times on the grandview triangle 71 highway and 4-35. While receiving treatment at Saint Lukes South Plaza Kansas City location I was denied a phone call to my family informing them of the accident. I was also denied the ability to urinate.

11. While receiving a cat scan, or other type of medical assessment, I had a KCMO PD officer come in and issue me a violation for possession of a controlled substance, paraphernalia. However, I wasn't issued this ticket at the scene or even discussed the possibility. The supposed drug paraphernalia was deductively planted by the KCMO Kansas City Missouri Police Department.
This was the KCMO South Patrol.

12. The falsified ex-parte issued by Lisa Beach, and another by Mike Beach were submitted after several attempts of retreiving stolen property estimated in the amount of $4278.26 or greater. KCMO PD South Patrol and Independence Missouri Police Department were not cooperative at assisting me in the situation. I invovled them each time I went to retrieve stolen propert from the following South Kansas City address/location:

117 E 113TH ST

13. I was assaulted and mugged, blind-sided, by supposed Tama Johnson Mormon Neighbor. In the incident I was knocked un-1conĚscious after being hit over the head with a baseball bat. The Independence Police Department wouldn't make a report of the case due to the infraction of me having an outstanding warrant. I am unsure, but I speculate that the warrants were ID theft, falsified, or in some way, involved in harming a witness-defendant-victim to illegally get to a warrant status. NO CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATED WAS Completed. INDEP PD didn't cooperate with securing a brutal crime in there community!

14. I pray for judgement that the appropriate authorities will cease-and-desist the on-going, crimes keeping me from the residential home that I purchased for the goal of raising my daughter Elle (Abrielle) Dawn Jennings in. This fatherhood is currently motioned to order joint-legal custody of Elle. However, the above listed crimes and brutal conspired blood trail has denied me the honor and priviledge in doing so.

To Be continued!


Ryan Coday Jennings
227 W. Southside BLVD
Independence, MO 64055

p.s. God Bless

Amendment Containing Additions and Edits (To my case/account load) Furthermore referred to as the Ryan C. Jennings Legal Proceeding Project.

Chronological order of a partial known list of Fraud!


Therefore, a fraudulent sale of 227 W. Southside BlVD. By Common Ground Realty to Ryan C. Jennings.

15. A huge fear I have that is a potential risk to my success and un-affected by conspiring to commit fraudulent obstruction of justice to my project. Is some of my stolen property could at this point be detrimental to a set-up of a staged crime. As follows:

Attachment Related to Theft of Assets:

Product Asset List from theft: INDEP PD REPORT AT 227 W. Southside BLVD 1-14-2007: Rare Collection of Coins, both purchased for resale and family heirlooms. Most of which I have named and had already sent into independence police department. Some of the coins were worth a significant amount of money!

.22 caliber pistol revolver brand Taurus being stolen from my house! I didn't have the pistol registered, however my fingerprints where on the gun. The gun was part of a souvenirs collection I owned. I also had a family .22 caliber rifle that was an heirloom.

Rare books that were both purchased for resale. And more importantly family a heirloom/religous collection. Some books were stolen on or before 1/14/2007 and some were placed illegally/stollen by Lynn Tuala when she hired a fraudulent company with a roll-off dumpster.


Good Day!

I have submitted several pieces of an encompassing puzzle that is slowly fitting together! Any assistance in this matter will be appreciated.

Regarding my forclosure case at my primary residence of 227 W. Southside BLVD Independence Missouri 64055. I finally retrieved a default judgment notice of which Duetz Loan and Savings has attempted to fraudulently sieze my home. However, their have been a mixed mess of variables either contributing or altering the civil procedure according to the eviction process of Jackson County Missouri, Independence Missouri.

I noticed that I was given a 30 day window after the default judgement to either submit a motion to set-aside, or/and retrieve pack-up and move my property. I was released from Integrity Correctional Facility prior to the 30 day window being complete to find a roll-off dumpster hired by Lynn Tuala, containing all of my furniture, clothing, property, etc. The Independence Police Department was called several times while I was attempting to figure out the missing details in the cone of uncertainty. IndepPD responds to all calls they get regarding civil allegations. However, they looked as puzzled as I when it came to what was going on.

The fact of the matter is that Lynn Tuala Illegally hired a work crew, stealing my property, and taking away my civil liberties, and constitutional rights. Not to mention forgot to follow the terms and conditions authoritatively guided by Jackson County Missouri. My property has therefore been stolen, and I have been victimized extremely. I am homeless and have little to no finances to hire an attorney to try to regain my property and assets that were illegally removed. Please help me resolve this conflict with the most peaceful outcome possible.


Ryan C. Jennings

Posted on Friday, August 10, 2007 at 01:07PM by Registered CommenterRysan | CommentsPost a Comment

SOS World

To the parties of concern,

Once again I ask!

Will the United States Department of Justice, The State of Missouri, Jackson County, and the City of Independence Missouri Police Department not respond to any evidential facts that I have risked my life to rectify?

I have sent substantial amounts of black and white facts regarding the following cases:

Senior Services Abuse:
1410 N. Liberty Independence Missouri 64055 Ralston and Edna Jennings (Ralston now deceased!)
Emissions, will tampering, life insurance fraud, illegal quit claim deeds, etc.... Robert Fisher never purchased lot 89 and 90 and was illegally entered into the Jackson County system. Probable cause!!!!!! Missouri Department of Gas and Energy has a report to back up my findings. As well as several witnesses.

619 E. 97th Street Kansas City Missouri 64131
Where my name (Ryan C. Jennings) was illegally/fraudulantly-forged signed refinancing possibly more than once without my permission. Jackson County Recorded Documents is public informaiton.

227 W. Southside Independence Missouri 64055
Where my house illegally went through foreclosure, but even prior to my name was either copied, or illegally used to sell mortgage, in which I was referred to Ryan Jennings (single female) I am a 31 year old single Male! I was never given an eviction, yet the city of Independence Police department aided to allowing an unauthorized party remove all my property, documentation, computers, etc. into a roll-off dumpster.

Just prior to the property being removed: I was held hostage and beatin with a golf-club multiple times, with a paid-off band of hudlums asking me to sign my house over to unidentified parties. The Independence Police Department wanted me to come in and make a police complaint regarding the incident. I did agree that was needed. However, I complained over the phone to a detective that I had several other chronological order of cases to be attended to first. They only asked me to come in and sign my name to the case that would put my life in the most jeopardy.

Independence PD Absolute Lack of Justice: I was mugged while assulted by being hit over the head with a baseball bat in which Indep PD would not pursue a crime scene investigation, had cell phones taken while in police custody, along with Wallet, credit cards, passport, social security card, laptop(s), and my life literrally turned upside down with little to no assistance from immediate authorities.

As my cases are lined up in a chronological order of events it is informal logic to trace the money/blood trail back to the source. I am will to cooperate in any way possible to move on with productive life. Even if that means a respectable party discussing my alternatives and causes and affects of the resolutions.

Please Contact me ASAP via email!

Ryan C. Jennings
227 W. Southside BLVD

p.s. The above are just a cliffnotes version of my stress, lets not mention the KCPD paddy wagon rolling me over in a back breaking accident, when I wasn't even allowed to piss, call my mother, or given rights that are constitutionally required! I am FED up!

p.s.s. God Bless! and Remember to tell your kids how proud you are of them daily.

09/01/2007 04:18 PM by Ryan C. Jennings

O.K. Like these bastards that have left many innocent victims homeless have a conscious. They have fat pocket-books, therefore don't give a fuck about any charges that are coming there way. For example Jonathan Jennings is my brother. I heard he and that faggot ass little bitch Nathan Brinkle bragging constantly about how they could buy there way out of anything. Well after they got there 6-months of house arrest for a 30year federal bit, I guess they are right. Well to me Right and Righteous are two different things. And to me, they are scum. However, so is Ms. Linda Marshal the Prosecuting attorney on there case. I sent her information long ago regarding me being victimized by these mortgage hustler punks. Jonathan Jennings, Nathan Brinkle, and Anna Jennings have utilized Attorney Les Wight to Kill, Lie, deceipt, and scam money in a various of ingenious ways. Well lets pray to the blogging GODS that there run around town is downed soon. Les Wight utilizes his attorney/jackson county knowledge and pull to fraudulent load the Jackson County Website Database full of bull-shit benefeciary deeds, quit-claims, and white collar theft that has left a few dead, many out of personal assets, property foreclosures, which all result in a crime called conspiracy to obstruct justice in a biblical reported ration. That is Fuck these bastards. I have contacted the FBI and get the run-around, I have contacted George Bush, and he had a problem looking me eye-to-ey, I contacted the senior services abuse division of the state of missouri, in which John Carter has attempted to investigate a case I submitted regarding my grandfather Ralston Jennings and his fraudulent deed that Jonathan Jennings, Les Wight had forged Robert Fishers Name on. Mr. John Carter was turned down information from the City of Independence Missouri Police Department regarding evidence that I previously submitted to them regarding the case. Well JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ALREADY. Who is paid off, needs to be soon laid off. My dick-fuck brother Jonathan Jennings and Nathan Short Dick Brinkle used to brag that there fraud scam ring had bribes that went straight up to our past Mayor for Kansas City Missouri Kay Barnes. Well fuck that CUNT. I was working for Burns & McDonnell Engineering Firm while I had a project with the stormwater water services division. This project was a small piece of a large master service agreement that Burns & McDonnell Engineering Firm has with the City of Kansas City Missouri. I can imagine if Jonathans bribes went straight up to Kay Barnes, and I was a potential harming witness to there fraud scam, then Kay probably had something to do with me getting fired from Burns & Mac just weeks after landing a 3.5 million dollar GSA Schedule 70 Contracting Medium. That just didn't add up, until I had a bit of time to reflect things that make you go HUMMMMMMM. Fuck Kay Barnes, Fuck Jonathan Jennings, Fuck John and Nathan Brinkle, I want to fuck lish Brinkle, but who hasn't, and Burns & McDonnell get ready to say not cheese, but settle! God Bless! Ryan Jennings 2-26-1976

10/10/2007 03:04 PM by Ryan Jennings

Victimized by a Internet Fraud or an Excuse for the INDEPENDENCE MISSOURI TO Commit
"Detective Meadows Indep PD!" vs. "Ryan C. Jennings"

I have been victimized by a bullshit class C Felony that Detective Meadows of the Independence Police Department reports as a Forgery. Well JESUS CHRIST already, I submitted several documents that are a federal level of Real Estate Forgery that has victimized my lively hood harming my ability to freely live as a citizen of the United State of America.

Independence Claims to be a federal City that resides in the State of Missouri. Well this state of the Union address/blog will only illustrate my obstacles in which I face trying to relay the truth to the proper authorities.

Hello my court date is the 17th of October as follows from

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2007 Judge/Commissioner Time Day Setting Event JEFFREY LYNN BUSHUR 9:00 AM 1 OF 1 Preliminary Hearing Event Text: Location:DIVISION 33 CRIMINAL/TRAFFIC Independence Criminal/Traffic

I was victimized in this US Postal money order scam by selling products online. I was shocked when I received a charge for the incident. I spoke to the FBI regarding the case and they informed me to send my attorney as much supported material as possible detailing the scam, and how I fit in as a victim rather than a defendant. Attached is some related material. I hope you have received my case.file.


Ryan C. Jennings

p.s. Link to the New York Times article of the identical Internet US Postal Money Order Fraud Scam: New York sees whos responsible, Independence Detective alters the blame to me ?????? ?????? ?????? FUCX

Follow-up: To me, Detective Meadors needs to have a case of justice brought upon him for the crime of conspiracy to obstruct justice in what I have already reported as evidence in several federal real estate fraud cases. Why they keep wasting time and pushing pause in this world of crime in which we live is beyond me. My word is of black and white text that illustrates crimes that others have comitted that violate me. But detective meadows gets a paycheck from the City of Independence Missouri. Therefore it is obvious that the IndepPD is still a remaining variable on the dark side of this end of days war called wicked vs the righteous.

Why I cry is the Reason Detective Meadors will never play the Guitar like Steve Vai,
Thus my eye-to-ey gains another stye, but this blog will destine his ticket out of our world, say good-bye, Detective Your a Wrong-Song guy, Thats why I cry, and you'll continue to falsifly the lie, I'm telling you why, so forever don't wonder why!
I cry, and you'll never play the guitar like Steve Muther Fucking Vai, Say Goodbye, Mr. Money Can Buy!! !!!!!!

Ryan Jennings

10/15/2007 03:05 PM by Ryan Jennings

February 23, 2008 3:41 AM


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